Johnson Fitness and Wellness

5K Training Tactics to Schedule to Crush Your Personal Record

5K Training Tactics to Schedule to Crush Your PR
This 5K training schedule will get you ready to take control of your preparation to level up your 5K performance. While you can never guarantee hitting your next personal record, you’ll want to check out these techniques. From your training schedule to pre-race nutrition, preparation is the difference between a pretty good run and leading your age group.  Here’s what you need to know.

Schedule Your 5K Training In Detail Containing Time and Temperature During Your Training Runs

Schedule Like a Boss:  You probably know that your performance is impacted by race day conditions.  Spring and fall are good times to shoot for personal records.  Lower temperatures and humidity reduce the load on your body so that you can turn in a personal best.  Fall races provide the additional benefit of summer training time.  Since you can’t entirely control your race day conditions, it’s a good idea to schedule more than one 5K during your peak season.  Use early races as a practice run or go all out if the conditions feel right.  Give yourself time to taper down for your targeted race.  Lighten your training load the week before your race.  If you’re scheduling more than one race in a season, you’ll perform best with a couple of weeks between races.

5K Training Hacks to Beat Your PR

Add Variety in Your Training Methods:  Training for a 5K is an achievable goal for new runners, while the quest for personal performance keeps experienced runners engaged year after year.  If you’ve never run a 5K before or haven’t run in while, start with a run/walk training program. We’ve got advice that will get you started, even if you’re just running around the block.  Once you’ve got a few races under your belt, your 5K will be focused on performance. You’ll have to tolerate discomfort to excel at performing in this relatively short distance.   Unlock your personal best 5K pace by including periods of training at your lactate threshold and anaerobic levels.  These training approaches will boost your VO2 max while increasing your power and cadence.  HIIT style workouts are one good way of including this training, as are steady state runs at 85-90 percent of your max heart rate.  Work up to 20 to 30 minutes of running at this pace to mimic your 5K race.  Include 2-3 of these intense workouts each week.  Longer runs of 45 minutes to an hour are a good way to increase your overall endurance and calorie burn but shouldn’t be a big portion of your 5K training. Do not overlook the need for strength training.  A solid 5K performance requires strength in your entire body.  Target quads and glutes for power, core work to prevent low back pain, and upper body work to promote healthy alignment.  This training program doesn’t need to take a lot of time.  You can add in a few fat burning exercises, use velocity training for more power, and even focus on knee health before or after your 5K training runs.

5K Pre-Race Day Planning

Low Energy Expenditure, Stretching and Focus: Everybody feels jitters the day before the race.  A last minute preparation checklist will keep your brain and body engaged.  Don’t overdo your activity level.  Active recovery swimming, yoga,  a light run, or relaxing massage (keep the pressure light) can reduce stiffness and improve mobility on race day.  While you want to eat a nutritious diet, don’t change what you’re used to.  Don’t experiment with new foods or even quantities of fruits and vegetables that your digestive system may not tolerate.  Include easily digested carbohydrates, especially the dinner before the race.  Keep yourself hydrated during the day.  After dinner, lay out your race clothes, shoes, and check in materials.  Download your favorite playlist.  You’ll want it before or during the race depending on the event guidelines.   Wind down by visualizing your success and a smooth race day morning.  Finally, double check your alarm and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

5K Race Day Schedule

Head for the Starting Line: On race day morning, give yourself plenty of time to get to the event.  Include dry comfortable clothes and shoes in your vehicle for the post-race. Since your body is adequately fueled from your diet the day before, don’t overdo it at breakfast.  You can include a light carbohydrate focused top-up right before the event.  If you’re eating a couple hours earlier, slower digested carbs and a bit of protein will work.  Above all, choose a meal and timing you know works for you.  The best pre-race nutrition is tried and tested well before the morning of the event. Now that you’re ready and committed to setting a personal record at your next 5K, how do you decide what your best 5K time should be?  Your best 5K performance is a personal target.  It’s affected by your preparation, your age, and the conditions of race day.  You can target placing in your age group, a personal target, or simply improvement over your last race.  Pick a number or a placement and go for it. This peak 5K won’t be your last.   About the writer: Joli Guenther is a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor and clinical social worker practicing in and around Madison, Wisconsin. Learn more about Joli.
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