Johnson Fitness and Wellness

Exactly How To Do Renegade Rows

How To Do Renegade Rows
How to do Renegade Rows to increase core strength and stability and engage and define the shoulders, triceps, biceps and back.

Become A Fitness Superstar By Mastering Renegade Rows

Next up in my “Exercises You Should Be Doing” series is the Renegade Row. This exercise, developed and named by revolutionary strength coach John Davies, will challenge even the highest of fitness levels as it not only works multiple muscle groups, but also makes you look and feel like a fitness superstar!

Why Should You Do Renegade Rows?

Renegade Rows are so effective because they utilize full-body engagement. It takes all of the benefits of doing a plank (core strength and stabilization) and adds an upper body component with the addition of a dynamic rowing (pulling) movement that will do wonders for engaging the shoulders, triceps, biceps and back. While Renegade Rows can be performed by beginners (I’ll show you a great way to introduce your body to Renegade Rows below), it should be noted that it is an intense functional exercise that does require some pre-existing core strength.

Who Should Do Renegade Rows?

This exercise should be a staple for athletes or individuals who perform rotary-type movements. Baseball, tennis, golf, hockey, lacrosse, swimming, etc. are just some of the sports that require the anti-rotary stability that Renegade Rows will give you. But regardless of your fitness or athletic goals, Renegade Rows will make your workouts a bit more athletic while also adding some fun!

What You’ll Need To Get Started

Beginners should focus on using their own bodyweight (you should be able to at least perform a plank), while people of more advanced fitness levels will want to incorporate dumbbells or kettlebells. If using dumbbells, be sure to use the hex-shaped dumbbells so you can utilize the flat surface and not have them roll out from under you.

Renegade Row with kettlebell, position 1

Renegade Row with kettlebell, position 2

How To Do Renegade Rows:

Here are a few key points to focus on when performing the Renegade Row:

How Many Renegade Rows Should I Do? And How Much Weight?

Keep in mind that the Renegade Row is not a “bodybuilding” exercise but rather a functional exercise meant to build strength and stability throughout the core and upper body. I highly suggest focusing on good form first with lower repetitions. This exercise requires a lot of focus and attention to detail, so the goals is to get comfortable performing it correctly. Beginners should start with 3 sets of 5 repetitions per side. As you advance, 5 sets of 5 repetitions per side should be a good challenge As for the amount of weight, that will take some experimenting. Again, beginners can start with just the bodyweight version, while advanced levels can start with a light to mid-range weight focusing on perfect form.

Renegade Row with dumbbells, position 2

Tip: The bodyweight version of the Renegade Row is a great exercise to add to your warm-up routine. Otherwise, try to incorporate this exercise fairly early into your workout routine. It places a high demand on your core and form could be compromised if you wait until the end of your workout when your body is fatigued.
About the writer: Ken Grall is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and owns and operates an Edge Fitness in Madison, Wisconsin. Learn more about Ken.
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